A creative space for anyone who walks through the museum plaza and is interested in taking part in a large scale, joint painting.

During the time of Corona and during the complex period that comes after it, processes of returning to the common space arise. "The right to a city" is a concept that is gaining renewed meaning and so are questions regarding the institutionalized cultural centers.
The street gallery is a simple but valuable act that has a multi-dimensional impact on the space in which it is placed. A long roll of paper placed in the heart of the museum plaza as a reminder to us that art is in the public domain.
The rolling paper seems to call for the reuse of the great “canvas sheet” and allows for the creation of new people at different times of the day and different days of the week.
Participants, spectators, and passers-by can get a glimpse into the combined creation of different people who do not know each other.

Since the length of the Tel Aviv Museum plaza reaches a maximum distance of 70 meters, this is also the maximum distance that the canvas can reach. It is a simple wooden structure with a rotating mechanism at both ends that allows the easy placing and replacing of rotating rolls of paper.

Location of project
IL, Tel Aviv
Month/Year of project
04 / 2021
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