Gürtel Jukebox: a proposal for revitalization of public space by engaging the community and artists

In 2001, Kubus Export, this “glass body”, was designed as a part of URBION project and is the first Austrian project co-funded by EU. It was born through a collaboration between Architekten Tillner & Willinger and Austrian artist, Valie Export and has  been showcasing artworks and performances by a variety of artists while at the same time, maintaining and highlighting a visual bridge between the two sides of Hernalser Gürtel. The outbreak of covid-19 has, on one hand, emptied the public open spaces in the cities such as Gürtel in Vienna, taking them away from the citizens, and on the other hand, jeopardized many professions in culture sector such as young artists and musicians. In fact, several music clubs on the Gürtel such as rhiz, an electronic live music venue, which were once the meeting points of musicians and their fans, have now been deserted for months.
In order to get past this difficult time safely and recover from its inevitable oppression we have all witnessed in the cities, we need to reclaim public spaces, giving them back to the people and with the use of technology, ensure a safe transition into the future. To do so, Gürtel Jukebox focuses on the two locations: the Kubus Export on Hernalser Gürtel and the rhiz on Lerchenfelder Gürtel. The idea is to use the space inside rhiz for live concerts and performances. This way, the artists could perform under safe conditions. It is worth mentioning that, as the name also suggests, the Jukebox foresees a variety of activities from live music to Thai chi or fitness lessons, targeting different groups of people such as the youth, the elderly and the teenagers. The audience, will be allocated on the designated spots in the open space, outside rhiz and around Kubus Export. At the area around rhiz, the audience can see the live event thanks to the glass façade on both sides of rhiz, while at Kubus Export, several screens will be installed to broadcast the live performance. In addition, the participants to the events will be given a set of wireless headphones. Moreover, the colorful spots painted on the floor and “Floor is Lava!” game, are meant to ensure safe distance between the participants in a playful manner. This could also be further developed using floor projection games. Lastly, for logistic reasons, an app will be set up using which the participants could book their desired event in advance, pay the deposit for the high-tech headphones and get instructions and updates on the safety measures.

Architekten Tillner & Willinger ZT GmbH, Rantasa + Rantasa GmbH (rhiz)
Architekten Tillner & Willinger ZT GmbH, Rantasa + Rantasa GmbH (rhiz)
Location of project
AT, Vienna
Month/Year of project
05 / 2021
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